“HIV & Aging: Improving Health and Wellness” was presented as part of the LGBT Elder Initiative’s Conversations series on Saturday, December 5th, 2015 at Center in the Park in Germantown. The program covered a range of topics related to growing older with HIV/AIDS, sharing information aimed at improving health outcomes for HIV+ older adults.

This Conversation was the first program in the LGBT Elder Initiative’s new HIV & Aging series. Expanding upon the HIV & Aging Conversations that the LGBTEI has offered in each of the past three years, this new series will provide a means of more comprehensively exploring the medical, pharmacological, emotional, legal, and relational aspects of aging and HIV/AIDS. “HIV & Aging: Improving Health and Wellness” served as the kick-off of the pilot of this series and will be built upon through programming over the next six months.

“HIV & Aging: Improving Health and Wellness” was presented by the LGBT Elder Initiative and sponsored by the AIDS Activities Coordinating Office (AACO). Additional support for this Conversation was provided by the Philadelphia Gay News.

Watch the full program in our Video Library!

Media Coverage

“Gettin’ On” in PGN: We Are All Long-Term Survivors
By Ed Bomba

Series on HIV and Aging Kicks Off in Germantown
By Paige Cooperstein


Physical aspects of HIV & Aging

The Body – Aging with HIV

The Well Project – HIV and Menopause

University of Washington – HIV & Aging: Physical & Psychosocial Complexities


Common Co-morbidities with HIV & Aging

International Association of Providers of AIDS Care – Co-morbidities and HIV

World Health Organization – Preventing and Managing Other Co-morbidities and Chronic Care for People Living with HIV

American Psychological Association – HIV and Psychiatric Co-morbidities

American Psychological Association – Medical Co-morbidities in Older Adults with HIV


Medication Safety & Medication Management

Mayo Clinic – HIV/AIDS Treatments and Drugs

WebMD HIV & AIDS Health Center – Side Effects of HIV Drugs

National Institute of Health – HIV Treatment: The Basics

National Institute of Health – HIV Medicines and Side Effects


Medication Adherence

Food and Drug Administration – Are you Taking Medication as Prescribed?

National Institutes of Health – HIV Medication Adherence – Medication Adherence


Talking to Healthcare Providers

NIH National Institute on Aging – Talking with your Doctor: A Guide for Older People

American Heart Association – Communicating with Healthcare Professionals

Health in Aging – Living with Multiple Health Problems: What Older Adults Should Know – Doctor, Clinic, & Dental Visits

CDC – Talking to Your Doctor About PrEP

Healthgrades – Talking with Your Doctor about HIV Treatment


Health Insurance and HIV Care

Health Resources and Services Administration – Find HIV/AIDS Care – The Affordable Care Act and HIV/AIDS

SAGE – LGBT Older Adults, HIV and the Affordable Care Act

AIDS Activities Coordinating Office (AACO) Health Information Hotline – 1-800-985-2437


Resources in Philadelphia

AIDS Activities Coordinating Office (AACO) –

ActionAIDS –

Philadelphia FIGHT –

AIDS Law Project of Pennsylvania –

Bebashi –

Philadelphia AIDS Library –


Mazzoni Center –

Colours –

William Way LGBT Community Center –

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