From the Philadelphia Corporation for Aging
Like Area Agencies on Aging all across the country, Philadelphia Corporation for Aging is mandated by the federal Older Americans Act (OAA) to “facilitate the area-wide development and implementation of a comprehensive, coordinated system for providing long-term care in home and community-based settings, in a manner responsive to the needs and preferences of older individuals and their family caregivers.”
In fulfilling this mandate, PCA is required by the Pennsylvania Department of Aging (PDA) to produce an Area Plan for Aging Services every four years. The Plan is expected to outline how it will achieve these goals, develop greater capacities, and provide comprehensive and coordinated services systems while using available resources more efficiently.
A public hearing on the 2016-2020 draft area plan will be held June 7th at 10:30 at PCA. The public is invited to comment. To read the draft 2016-2020 Area Plan, click here.
You may testify in person at the Public Hearing or submit written comments to PCA by that date. Register to testify by calling 765-9000 ext. 5075 by June 3rd. Written comments can be mailed to PCA’s Planning Department or emailed to Paper copies of the plan can be requested from the planning department.