From the Philadelphia Corporation for Aging
SEPTA is proposing changes to current fares and services, including the paratransit/Shared Ride service for individuals unable to take fixed route transportation.
This will have a severe impact on the ability of older Philadelphians and those with disabilities to remain independent. This is because 15 % of the cost of each ride is paid for by the rider, or, in many cases, by Philadelphia Corporation for Aging. Last year, PCA covered the rider’s 15% cost for 352,593 rides for 4,200 individuals with state funds. There is no proposed increase in state funding for this transportation, so with a higher cost per ride, the same amount of money will cover fewer rides. Specifically, the proposed changes will result in a decrease of more than 30,000 sponsored rides for older Philadelphians and those with disabilities.
Seniors and their advocates are urged to voice their opinions by submitting comments and by attending the public hearing .
When: Monday, April 24, 2017: Two sessions will be held, one beginning at 11 a.m. and one beginning at 5 p.m.
Where: SEPTA Board Room, 1234 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107
Written comments must be submitted by May 1, 2017, directly to:
Director of Operating Budget
Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority
1234 Market Street, 9th Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19107
Comments can also be sent electronically using an online form (scroll down on the page for the comment form).
As this is a state-funded program with local impact, your state representatives and city council representatives should also hear from their constituents regarding this matter.