We are thrilled to announce that the LGBT Elder Initiative and the William Way LGBT Community Center are merging to create the Elder Initiative at William Way. This consolidation will create a central hub for resources, referrals, and programs for LGBT older adults in the Greater Philadelphia region. The new model will promote the expansion of existing programs and services while also developing opportunities to better address growing community needs.
All of the programs and services offered by our two organizations will continue as usual and will now be offered as the Elder Initiative at William Way.
You can read more about this new affiliation in our op-ed published in the Advocate!
Your participation in our programs is sincerely valued and appreciated and we encourage you to continue to share your wisdom and guidance as we move forward.
If you would like more information about this new structure, please email Ed Miller (emiller@waygay.org) or David Griffith (dgriffith@lgbtei.org) or call the Center at 215-732-2220.