William Way LGBT Community Center
Friday Check In
Weekly: Fridays on Zoom, 12:00pm-1:00pm Each week a facilitator guides this confidential, friendly Check In where LGBTQ 50+ community members share whatever's on their mind. For the Zoom link and to learn more, connect with us at: elders@waygay.org or 215-920-9415
Tuesday MorningsOut
Meets on ZOOM on the last Tuesday of every month An in-person social and educational group for Gay, Bisexual, and Trans men who are 50 and over. Join for discussion topics, presentations, tours, events, and more. For more information, please call us at 215-720-9415 or email us at elders@waygay.org
Friday Check In
Weekly: Fridays on Zoom, 12:00pm-1:00pm Each week a facilitator guides this confidential, friendly Check In where LGBTQ 50+ community members share whatever's on their mind. For the Zoom link and to learn more, connect with us at: elders@waygay.org or 215-920-9415