
Meets on ZOOM and in person at William Way on the last Saturday of every month An in-person and virtual discussion and support group for long-term survivors of HIV and those affected by HIV/AIDS. The group is facilitated by a licensed clinical social worker. Lunch is provided after each meeting. For more information, please call […]

The Doctor Is In: Medication Management with a Geriatric Pharmacologist

Meets in person at William Way, the second Wednesday of each month An in-person presentation by geriatricians and palliative care professionals to audiences of LGBTQ+ older adults. Join our sessions, covering a different health topic each month relevant to LGBTQ communities. For more information, please call us at 215-720-9415 or email us at


Meets on ZOOM and in person at William Way on the last Saturday of every month An in-person and virtual discussion and support group for long-term survivors of HIV and those affected by HIV/AIDS. The group is facilitated by a licensed clinical social worker. Lunch is provided after each meeting. For more information, please call […]

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